Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Professor and Head

Dr.S.Balakrishnan is a Professor and Head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to be University), Paiyanoor, Chennai He has 22 years of experience in teaching, research and administration. He has published over 36 books, 10 Book Chapters, 30 Technical articles in CSI Communications Magazine, 27 technical Blogs, 1 article in Electronics for You (EFY) magazine, 18 articles in Open Source for You Magazine and over 150+ publications in highly cited Journals and Conferences.
Some of his professional awards include: Best Patent Award from IEEE Madras Section for the year 2024, Certificate of Award with cash prize $250 for 1st place in the International Poster Challenger by Peeref, Kalpa Acharya Award (Best researcher Award) Bharath Education Excellence Awards (BEEA) 2021-22 organized by BrainO Vision, IEEE MAS Best Researcher Award – 2022 (Age 40 and Below 50) by IEEE Madras Section, AICTE Lilavati Award 2021-22 winner with 1 Lakh Cash Prize, Best Performer in the Poster Display at IIC Regional Meet held at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology Chennai on 21st July 2022, Best Model/Technology Presentation Award by IEEE-Nanotechnology Council Student Chapter IIT Indore, Yuva Mentor as a Changemaker Award, Faculty with Maximum Publishing in CSI Communications 2017-2019, International Data Science Writer of the Year 2019 by Data Science Foundation UK with cash prize €900, MTC Global Outstanding Researcher Award, Inspiring Authors of India, Deloitte Innovation Award Deloitte for Smart India Hackathon 2018, Patent Published Award, and Impactful Author of the Year 2017-18. He acted as a Mentor, Evaluator cum Jury Panel Member, Grand finale of SIH 2022 and MANTHAN, Mentor and Jury member in ASEAN-India Hackathon 2021, Primary SPOC and Evaluator for Toycathon 2021. He has received an appreciation certificate for Developing SIH Alumni Portal and SIH 2022 Portal for Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and MHRD’s Innovation Cell 25th May 2022.
He has delivered 85+ guest lectures/seminars in National & International levels, delivered 20+ keynote speech/invited speech and chaired 350+ sessions for various National and International Conferences. He is serving as a Reviewer and Editorial Board Member of many reputed Journals and acted as Technical Program Committee member of National conferences and International Conferences at Vietnam, China, America and Bangkok. His research interests are Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and IoT. And he has acted as Mentor in Kavach 2023 Hackathon Title Winner with 1 Lakh Cash Prize, Mentor in Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2020 Title Winner with 1 Lakh Cash Prize. He has 11 Granted International Patents, 42 Indian Patents on IoT Applications, 10 Design Patent Grants and 2 granted Copyrights. Dr. Balakrishnan has been appreciated under India Book of Records 2021 for filing 18 patents over a period of 15 months. He is acting as an Author at IEEE Teaching Excellence Hub, IEEE EduMentor Connect Program mentor, IEEE YESISI’12 2023 Publicity Ambassador, IEEE.TV Region 10 Global Ambassador, IEEE Brand Ambassador, IEEE Publicity Ambassador, T4 Ambassador and Bentham Science Publisher Brand Ambassador.