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National Service Scheme National Service Scheme - AVIT

The National Service Scheme (NSS) has aroused among the youth an awareness of the realities of life and a better understanding and appreciation of the problems of people. The NSS is thus a concrete attempt in making education relevant to the needs of society. The NSS aims at instilling in the youth, a social consciousness with the overall objective of the personality development of the students through community service.

Motto : " Not me, but you "

In the National Policy on Education (1968) it was stated that work experience and national service, including participation in meaningful and challenging programmes of community service and national reconstruction, should become an integral part of education, emphasis being made on self help, character formation and on developing a sense of social commitment. The National Service Volunteer is envisaged as a social engineer, one who strives to discover his creative potential and gain a deep and critical insight into the issues involved in the process of development, and who is willing to commit all his energy in the service of the community and the country.

Working for and with the community, understanding the problems of real-life and utilizing their skills and knowledge in solving those problems enrich the experience of the students and has tremendous value in their preparation for the responsibilities of life.

The NSS provides the youth, during this interregnum, avenues for indulging in creative and constructive work suited to their educational background and aptitude.

Mahatma Gandhi's suggestion was that the first duty of students should be one where they do not treat the period of study as one of the opportunities for indulgence in intellectual luxury but rather one preparing them for dedication in services. In doing so they would be working towards the upliftment of the villagers to a higher material and moral level.


National Service Scheme Logo

The NSS symbol is based on the "Rath Wheel" of the Konark Sun Temple of Orissa. The giant wheel portrays the cycles of creation, preservation and release, and signifies the movement in life across time and space. The design of the symbol, a simplified form of Sun Chariot Wheel primarily depicts movement. The wheel signifies the progressive cycle of life. It also stands for dynamism and the progressive outlook of youth.

To Dream Is Not Enough, To Dream And Achieve Is What Is Required

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Last Updated on: 21 December 2024