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Research comprises "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. Title of the MoU Name of the partnering institution/ industry /research lab/corporate house with contact details Year of commencement Duration (From-To) Year wise List the actual activities under each MoU Number of students/teachers participated under the MoUs
1 Design and Manufacture the Nursing Robot Corner Stone 2019-2020 2019-2020 Product Deveopment & Training 5
2 Training on advanced areas of Biotechnology Golden Jubilee Biotech Park , chennai 2019-2020 2019-2025 Conducted Seminar 3
3 Training on advanced areas of Biotechnology "Softgel Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, Pudhupakkam, kelampakkam" 2019-2020 2019-2025 MoU Cum guest Lecture on Pharmaceutical Industry Trends and Career Prospects 41
4 Skill Development and Certification - to develop Projects/ Prototype modules Intel FICE 2019-2020 2019-2020 "organized 3 days’ workshop on “Artificial Intelligence & High Performance Computing-Phase II”, from 08-11-19, 09-11-19, and to 11-11-19. organized 5 days’ workshop on “Artificial Intelligence & High Performance Computing”, from 09-9-19 to 13-9-19. workshop on “Artificial Intelligence & High Performance Computing”, from 09-9-19 to 13-9-19. M" 39/11
5 Academics, Research, Internship and Placements SIEMENS Industry Software (India) Pvt. Ltd 2019-2020 2019-2023 1.Piping and Instrumentation diagram for Process industries using COMOS Software. Value added programme 21st to 24th October 2019 15
6 Academics, Training,Research, Internship and Placements GBL – Prayojana Construction Management Training Institute 2019-2020 2019-2023 ONE DAY GUEST LECTURE ON“CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & JOB OPPOTURNITIES”, Mr. V. Sriraman, Founder and Executive Director , 16 th August, 2018 80
7 Academics, Training, Research, Internship and Placements ORION Automotive and Tubular Batteries 2019-2020 2019-2023 Training programme on Electrical Safety Conducted on 31.10.2019 & 01.11.2019 to the staff members of Orion Automotive and Tubular battereies 00/02
8 Academics,Training, Internship Infosys Campus connect 2018-2019 2018-2021 " Industrial visit to infosys ltd,mahindra city 2. Webinar on “Overview on INFYTQ Platform” 25-7-19 3. seminar on “infytq online foundation courses” 29-7-19. Mr. Roy Antony Arnold, of Infosys Campus Connect 4. Industrial Visit to Infosys Limited, Chennai (Mahindra CityCampus),13-8-19 " 100
9 Research Collaborations Sakrobotix Research Centre 2018-2019 2018-2021 Workshop on "Introduction t Robotics" conducted in the year 2018 60
10 Academics and trainng Scoregetter Test Preparation Pvt Ltd 2018-2019 2018-2021 GRE, GMAT, TOEFL and IELTS awareness session 50
11 Research Collaborations Signing of MOU with Society for Electronic Transaction and Security (SETS) 2018-2019 2018-2021 1. Final year student project- 2 students from ECE have done during 2018-19. duration 4 months. 2. 2 faculty attended a workshop on cyber security 2/2
12 Academics,trainng Bosch Limited 2018-2019 2018-2021 "1. FIVE DAY TRAINING PROGRAM for II, III. IV Year Automobile students from 8th & 12th of ApriL 2019 2. ORIENTATION PROGRAM- OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM ABOUT RESEARCH CENTRES AVIT for Avit students and Avit staffs from the various department held on 11.07.2019 3. ONE DAY WORKSHOP ON IC ENGINE for Polytechnic students held on 02.08.2019 4.SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ON AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS CHARGING for Rural community students held on 30.08.2019 5. SCHOOL VISIT by Rural community students held on 20.09.2019 6. VALUE ADDED COURSE - On Board Diagnostics for III yr Mech from 13.11.2019 to 18.11.2019." 240
13 Academics,Training, Internship CADD Centre /Livewire – Thiruporur 2018-2019 2018-2021 "1. Quiz Contest, CADDAM Technologies, Chennai, 18th September,2017 2. Two days FDP on “ANSYS Civil – FEM module”, CADDAM Technologies, Chennai, 19th& 20th January,2018 3. Three Days’ Workshop On “Building Information Modeling and 3-D Printing Technologies” ,CADDAM Technologies, Chennai, 29th August to 31st August, 2018" 65
14 Training Ramyam Australian Education & Visa Services, Australia 2018-2019 2018-2021 Conducted Student development Programme on "Higher Education Opportunities" in Australia on 25th July 2018 200/12
15 Internships and Training Gesra Labs India Pvt. Ltd 2018-2019 2018-2021 Internship and Industrial Visit 38/06
16 Academics, Training,Research, Internship Intel Technology 2017-2018 Till date UC Berkeley FICE Innovation Lab & Micro Acceleration Program, Intel College Excellence Program- Workshop on IoT 40
17 Academics, Training,Research, Internship M/S Maya Solar Power System Pvt. Ltd. 2017-2018 Till date Guest Lecture on Advancements in solar power tech organized on 12.09.18 50
18 Academics, Training,Research, Internship M/S Emaar solar power system 2017-2018 Till date Guest Lecture on automation in renewable energy organized on 11.09.18 50
19 Academics,Research, Internship Aaranya Biosciences Pvt.,Ltd.,Chennai. 2017-2018 2020-2021 Industrial visit and student’s project, 8.9.2017 40/05
20 Academics, Training,Research, Internship M/S Dorcas Upholding hands 2017-2018 Till date One day Lecture on “Innovation in Civil Engineering", Mr.S.Santhanu, managing Director, Dorcas Upholding hands, Tirunelveli, 3rd August, 2017 85
21 Academics, Training, Internship NASSCOM 2017-2018 2017-2021 Has conducted FDPS and have visited our college for HR meets. 80/15
22 Academics, Training,Research, Internship Lawrence &Mayo Pvt.Ltd 2016-2017 2017-2022 Two days workshop on “Non Destructive Testing and Electronic Surveying”, Mr. Senthil, Sr.Technical Engineer, Lawrence & Mayo Pvt.Ltd, Chennai. & Mr.Viju Darwin, Sr.Service Engineer, Lawrence & Mayo Pvt.Ltd, Chennai, 7th February, 2017 150
23 Training Women Entrepreneurs India, Chennai 2016-2017 2017-2020 "22.2.2017 & 25.10.2017 - Earn while learn (Exhibition cum sale) " 120
24 Academics, Training,Research, Internship Allied Electronics Co, Chennai 2016-2017 2017-2020 "1. One day hands on training on ""Antenna Design"" conducted on 20th sep 2017, Mr.K.Sriram Sastry,Proprietor, Allied Electronics had given Hands on training to students. 2. One day workshop ""Internet of Things"" conducted on 13th FEB 2017, Mr.K.Sriram Sastry,Proprietor, Allied Electronics had given Lecture to Introduction to IOT to students. 3.seminar for Faculties on ""IOT and its applications"" conducted on 20th Jan 2017, Mr.K.Sriram Sastry,Proprietor, Allied Electronics had given Lecture to Faculties." 140/52
25 Academics, Training,Research, Internship Baba Clinical and Genomic Research Centre , Chennai 2016-2017 2017-2020 Seminar on“A paradigm step in to Molecular Diagnostics”, 6th Feb 2017 37/05
26 Academics, Training,Research, Internship Sashitek -IOT Product Development Company. Bangalore 2016-2017 2017-2020 Seminar on “DEMANDS OF SOFTWARE INDUSTRIES.Mr. Muthukrishnan,CEO,SASHITEK ON 08.02.2017 40
27 Academics, Training,Research, Internship PLC Technologies, Chennai 2016-2017 2017-2020 Workshop on "IOT for Agriculture " conducted on 18th AUG 2017, Mr.Athif sha,Abey Electronics ,given Lecture to students. 100/10
28 Academics, Training Spell bee Graduate 2016-2017 Till date Ten days training programme for all first year students 400
29 Academics, Training Supply Chain Management 2016-2017 2016-2019 "Adjunct faculty lecture on SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT by MR.DHANASEKAR SR. STRATEGIC BUYER ROTORK LTD.on 13.10.2018 " 50
30 Academics, Training Kriatec Services (P) Limited 2016-2017 2016-2019 " VALUE ADDED COURSE ON “EDGECAM SOFTWARE” from 03.10.2019 to 14.10.2019 " 117
31 Academics, Training M/S Steinbei’s Solar Research Centre 2016-2017 Till date Guest Lecture and technical training Guest Lecture on “Overview of Solar PVSystem” on 14/09/2016 60
32 Academics, Training,Internship AVIT, VMU – GSS, Japan 2016-2017 Till date "Training, Internship & Placements (GSS invested 20 lakhs for Lab set up in our HO for the training). Conducted training programs for more tha 50 students in the year 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019." 50
33 Academics, Training,Internship Star Trace 2016-2017 Till date Students benefitted through Internships and placements every year. 80
34 Biotechnology Micro Therapeutic Research lab Pvt.,Chennai 2016-2017 2016-2019 Hands On Training on “Basic Microbial techniques in the Industrial Enzyme production and Purification”, 31st August 2016 41/06
35 Academics,trainng Vijaya Prakash Housing &Infra 2016-2017 Till date Internship, May/June 2017 15
36 Academics,training and research Teknomed Services, Chennai 2016-2017 2016-2018 1.seminar on "Emerging Trends in Biomedical Engineering and Industrial Automation Engineering" conducted on 06th OCT 2016, Mr.A.Ramalingam,Senior Vice President, Teknomed Services had given Lecture to ECE,BME & MECT students.. 50
37 Academics,Training,Internship Regional Telecom Training Centre-BSNL Chennai. 2016-2017 2016-2019 1. Seminar on services of RTTC,Chennai ,Shri.S.Baskar, Sub Divisional Engineer - Marketing/MoU, RTTC - Chennai BSNL 10.8.2016 2.industrial visit for II Year& III Year 16.3.2017&7.3.2019 45
38 Academics,Training,Internship Tech Mahindra 2016-2017 2016-2019 Training 0/2
39 Academics,Training,Internship Tamil Nadu Construction Engineers & Contractors Welfare Association. 2015-2016 2015-2016 One day seminar on “Discover your dream career”, Er.K.Sundarapandian, Secretary, TCECA Dr.Govindaswamy, President, TCECA Er.G.D.Naidu, GM (Loyal Housing Pvt Ltd., Chennai), 23th February, 2016 100
40 Academics,research Armats Biotek Private Limited, Guindy, Chennai. 2015-2016 2015-2020 Student’s went for their final year projects 67/07

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Last Updated on: 23 February 2025