Department of Biotechnology
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Centre for Plant Tissue Culture and Bioprocessing
Worldwide Plant tissue culture technique is being utilized as an imperative tool to meet green economy of the country. Plantlets are grown in large number from isolated cells or tissues under sterile and controlled conditions outside the parent plant. Plant Tissue Culture Lab provides the facility of growing large number of isolated cells or tissues under sterile and controlled conditions obtained from any part of the plant like stem, root, leaf etc. which are encouraged to produce more cells in culture and to express their totipotency (i.e., their genetic ability to produce more plants). Cells or tissues are grown in different types of glass vials containing a medium with mineral nutrients, vitamins and phyto-hormones. Tissue Culture techniques are being exploited in this laboratory to multiply plants which are difficult to propagate by conventional means. The Centre was established in the month of March 2012 under Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India under a funded project entitled “Large scale production of 4- ipomeanol an anti cancer agent”
Facilities available in the Centre
An aseptic transfer area
Media preparation and sterilization area
Environmentally controlled incubators or culture room
Data collection area
Name of the Lab Details
The List of Major Equipment available in UG Labs
Fume Hood Exhaust
pH Meter
Turbidity Meter
Conductivity Meter
DO Meter
Laminar Air Flow
Digital Incubator
Labomed Advanced Microscope
Cooling Microcentrifuge
Gel Electrophoresis Unit – Vertical and Horizontal
Blotting Apparatus – Southern and Western
Gel Documentation System
UV Transilluminator
Laminar Air Flow
Digital Incubator
Labomed Advanced Microscope
Cooling Microcentrifuge
Gel Electrophoresis Unit – Vertical and Horizontal
Blotting Apparatus – Southern and Western
ELISA Reader and Washer
Fluorescence Microscope
The List of Major Equipment available in PG Lab
Laminar Air Flow
Digital Incubator
Orbital Shaker Incubator
Binocular Research Microscope
Labomed Advanced Trinocular Microscope
with Colour Video Camera and Computer
Cooling Microcentrifuge
Hot Air Oven
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Ultrafiltration / Microfiltration unit
Fermentor 3L
Biotechnology - MOU's
Biotechnology - Awards
Sl. No. | Name of the student/faculty/ Institution received the award | Category of the Receipt of the Award/Recognition (Student/Faculty/In stitution) | Name of the Award/Recognition | Name of the Organization Issued the Award/Recognition | Date of Receiving the Award/Recognition |
1 | Dr.R.Devika | Outstanding Achiever | Young Researcher award | Prosper foundation & Agri Amigos Private Limited | 2023 |
2 | Dr.S.Shanmuga Sundar | Certificate of appreciation | Invited talk and chaired a session | International conference on Molecular medicine and Therapeutics at Annamalai University | 7-9 January 2023. |
3 | Dr.R.Devika | Lifetime Achievement Award | Young microbiologist award | Vigyan Varta An international E magazine | 2022 |
4 | Dr.R.Devika | Certificate of Recognition | Key Note Speaker | IIT Madras Research park, Chennai | 2022 |
5 | Dr.R.Devika | Tamil Nadu Student Innovators Award 2022 | Tamil Nadu Student Innovators Award | EDII – TN (Level 1- 4) | 2022 |
6 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Excellence in reviewing | Excellence in reviewing | Journal of pharmaceutical Research international | 17-01-2022 |
7 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Excellence in reviewing | Excellence in reviewing | Journal of pharmaceutical Research international | 16-02-2022 |
8 | Dr.B.Prabasheela | Resource person | National webinar on An Insight to an Invisible GynaecologicalCare | C.Kandaswami Naidu College for women | 31-1-2022 |
9 | Dr.R.Devika | Excellence in reviewing | Excellence in reviewing | International STD Research and review | 28-7-2022 |
10 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Excellence in reviewing | Excellence in reviewing | South Asian Research journal of Natural product | 28-7-2022 |
11 | Dr.R.Devika | Resource person | Webinar on Intellectual Property rights –Policies and Innovation | Prince srivenkateshwara arts and science college | 1-8-2022 |
12 | P.Mohanapriya | Indian Iconic Education Award | Indian Iconic Education Award | All India Book of records | 5-9-2022 |
13 | Dr.R.Devika | Resource person for ATAL –FDP | FDP- Digital Twin for Electric Vehicles” | AICTE-ATAL | 12-9-2022 |
14 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Excellence in peer reviewing | Excellence in peer reviewing | MB International Media and Publishing house | 11-10-2022 |
15 | Dr.R.Devika | Certificate of appreciation | Mentor for NPTEL online Certification course in Environmental Biotechnology | NPTEL | July to December 2022 |
16 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Excellence in reviewing | Certificate of Excellence in reviewing | Journal of Advance in medicine and Medical research | 25-6-2021 |
17 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Excellence in reviewing | Certificate of Excellence in reviewing | Journal of Advances in Medical and pharmaceutical sciences | 3-6-2021 |
18 | Dr.R.Devika | Guest speaker | Guest speaker | Veridian Micro labs | 8 ,9, 10 sep 2021 |
19 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Excellence in reviewing | Excellence in reviewing | Asian journal of Medical Principles and clinical practices | 1-10- 2021 |
20 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Excellence in reviewing | Excellence in reviewing | Journal of pharmaceutical Research international | 17-12-2021 |
21 | Dr.S.Shanmuga Sundar | Reviewer |
Sl. No. | Name of the student/faculty/ Institution received the award | Category of the Receipt of the Award/Recognition (Student/Faculty/In stitution) | Name of the Award/Recognition | Name of the Organization Issued the Award/Recognition | Date of Receiving the Award/Recognition |
1 | Dr. R. Devika | Faculty / Award | Contributing India Book of Records | ESN Publication - maximum Authors contributing in a book on COVID 19 and its Impacts | 30.01.2021 |
2 | Dr. R. Devika | Faculty/Recognition | Support and outstanding performance | ESN Publication - maximum Authors contributing in a book on COVID 19 and its Impacts | 30.01.2021 |
3 | Dr. R. Devika | Faculty/Recognition | Lead Editor | ESN Publication - maximum Authors contributing in a book on COVID 19 and its Impacts | 30.01.2021 |
4 | Dr. R. Devika | Faculty/Recognition | Best Editor | ESN Publication - maximum Authors contributing in a book on COVID 19 and its Impacts | 30.01.2021 |
5 | Dr. R. Devika | Faculty / Award | Contributing Asia Book of Records | ESN Publication - maximum Authors contributing in a book on COVID 19 and its Impacts | 30.01.2021 |
6 | Mrs. Subathra M | Faculty / Award | Contributing in World book of records | ESN International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation | 03.09.2020 to 09.09.2020 |
7 | Dr. R. Devika | Faculty / Award | Contributing in World book of records | ESN International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation | 03.09.2020 to 09.09.2020 |
8 | Dr. A. Nirmala | Faculty - Recognition | Reviewer | Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International | May-21 |
9 | Dr. A. Nirmala | Faculty - Recognition | Reviewer | Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | May-21 |
10 | Dr. B. Prabasheela | Faculty / Award | Best faculty award | Chennai Teachers club | 24.04.2021 |
11 | Dr. A. Nirmala | Faculty/Recognition | Resource Person | Employability enhancement program, Dept of Biotech,AVIT | 15.04.2021 to 17.04.2021 |
12 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty/Recognition | Resource Person | Employability enhancement program, Dept of Biotech,AVIT | 15.04.2021 to 17.04.2021 |
13 | Dr. B. Prabasheela | Faculty/Recognition | Resource Person | Employability enhancement program, Dept of Biotech,AVIT | 15.04.2021 to 17.04.2021 |
14 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty - Recognition | Reviewer | Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry | 06.04.2021 |
15 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty / Award | Best faculty award | GMRAF - Global Multidisciplinary Research and Academic foundation | 13.03.2021 |
16 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty / Award | Excellence in academic award | ESN Publication | 08.03.2021 |
17 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty/Recognition | Reviewer for the Journal | IJBCRR - International Journal of Biochemistry Research and Review | 05.03.2021 |
18 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty / Award | Contributing India 1Book of Records | ESN Publication - maximum Authors contributing in a book on COVID 19 and its Impacts | 30.01.2021 |
19 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty / Award | Contributing Asia Book of Records | ESN Publication - maximum Authors contributing in a book on COVID 19 and its Impacts | 30.01.2021 |
20 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty/Recognition | Reviewer for the Journal | Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research | 20.09.2020 |
21 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty/ Award | Research Excellence Award | Institute of Scholars | 14.09.2020 |
22 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty/Recognition | Reviewer for the Journal | Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International | 17.07.2020 |
23 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty/Recognition | Reviewer for the Journal | Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology | 11.07.2020 |
24 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty/Recognition | Reviewer for the Journal | International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review | 16.07.2020 |
25 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty/Recognition | Reviewer for the Journal | Asian Journal of Research in dermatological Science | 26.06.2020 |
26 | Dr. J. Madhusudhanan | Faculty/Recognition | Reviewer for the Journal | Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences | 12.06.2020 |
Biotechnology-Faculty List

Mrs. M. Subathra
Asst Professor
Name | Designation |
Dr. Devika R | Professor, Research Promotion Management Officer |
Dr. Nirmala A | Associate Professor & Head |
Dr. Nakarajan K L | Associate Professor |
Dr. Shanmuga Sundar S | Asst Professor (Gr-II) |
Ms. I. Sridevi | Asst Professor |
Mrs. M. Subathra | Asst Professor |
Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari | Asst Professor |
Ms. L. Nagalakshmi | Asst Professor |
Mr. V. Sathish | Asst Professor |
Ms. S. Sivakavi | Asst Professor |
Ms. M. Kavitha | Asst Professor |
Ms. S. Suruthi | Asst Professor |
Ms. A. K. Ramya | Asst Professor |
Faculty Achievements

Dr Shanmuga Sundar S, Assistant Professor (Grade II) was an invited speaker and guest lecture at the 3rd International Conference on Natural Products and Human Health 2023 (ICNPHH-2023) held at the The Padre Albino University Center (UNIFIPA), Catanduva, SP, Brazil from 9th to 11th October 2023.

Prof. Shanmuga Sundar Saravanbhavan proposal entitled , "Nanopore-Based Biosensing for Early Tumor Cell Detection," submitted from AVIT's Department of Biotechnology, has been sanctioned by DST- SRB under the SRG ( Startup Research Grant - 2023) for a period of 2 years. This ground breaking project has received a grant of ₹ 21,00,000/-.

Dr. R. Devika professor cum Research Management Officer, Contributed a book (a part of the
Guinness Record Team) and received Guinness World Record Certificate on
27.08.2023 in the book entitled "WORLD 2023"-The Thickest Book with 1,00,100 pages of
length of 19ft 34 inches.
Positions Held with Government Bodies/Organizations
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Position Held | Government Organization | Tenure | Place | Role |
1 | Dr Shanmuga Sundar S | Outside Expert Member (DBT OM No: BT/IBKP/718/2023, Dated: 05.07.2023) | Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, New Delhi | 3 Years(05th July 2023 to 04th July 2026) | Institutional Bio-Safety Committee member (IBSC) at Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim | To validate the Institute’s Project on biosafety. |
Positions Held with International Institutes
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Position Held | University | Tenure | Subjects Handled | Role |
1 | Dr Shanmuga Sundar S | Adjunct Faculty | Department of Pharmacy, University of Puthisastra, Cambodia | Part time | • Microbiology (Bacteriology, Virology, Parasito-mycology) •Documentation and Scientific Information | Handling class to Masters students in medical biology and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
2 | Dr Shanmuga Sundar S | Guest Lecture | Centro Universitário Padre Albino, Catanduva, SP, Brazil. | Short term | Guest lecture on •Biomarker based drug discovery with precision medicine •Nanotechnology in drug/biomolecule delivery | Guest lecture for medical and master’sstudents |
Biotechnology - List of Nucleotide Sequences Despositedin NCBI Database (December 2021-March 2022)
S.No | Name of the strains | Accession No. | Submission Date | Authors |
1 | Penicillum citrinum AVITAKRF005 | ONO63529 | 30.3.2022 | Devika R, Ramya A K and Balaji R |
2 | Fusarium solani AVITAKRF006 | ONO65539 | 30.3.2022 | Devika R, Ramya A K and Balaji R |
3 | Priestia megaterium AVITAKRF004 | ONO63226 | 30.3.2022 | Ramya A K, Devika R and Balaji R |
4 | Bacillus thuringiensis AVITAKRF003 | ONO63216 | 29.3.2022 | Ramya A K, Devika R and Balaji R |
5 | Bacillus anthracis AVITAKRF002 | ONO63211 | 29.3.2022 | Ramya A K, Devika R and Balaji R |
6 | Corynascus sepedonium AKRF001 | ONO59588 | 29.3.2022 | Ramya A K, Sethumadhavan and Devika R |
7 | Talaromyces aurantiacus AKRF006 | ONO59708 | 29.3.2022 | Ramya A K, Sethumadhavan and Devika R |
8 | Amesia atrobrunnea AKRF005 | ONO63018 | 29.3.2022 | Ramya A K, Sethumadhavan and Devika R |
9 | Microascus gracilis AKRF007 | ONO63045 | 29.3.2022 | Ramya A K, Sethumadhavan and Devika R |
10 | Curvularia platzii AKRF004 | ONO63065 | 29.3.2022 | Ramya A K, Sethumadhavan and Devika R |
11 | Streptomyces Sp. Strain AVITA001 | OM438171 | 24.02.2022 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
12 | Bacillus velezensis AVIT001 | OM541328 | 07.02.2022 | Devika, R. and Ramya, A.K. |
13 | Salinivibrio sp. strain AVIT B1005 | OL744570 | 07.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
14 | Pseudomonas sp. strain AVIT B1006 | OL744572 | 07.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
15 | Vibrio sp. strain AVIT B1007 | OL744626 | 07.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
16 | Salinivibrio sharmensis strain AVIT B1008 | OL872291 | 16.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
17 | Marinobacter pelagius strain AVIT B 1009 | OL872294 | 16.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
18 | Vibrio fortis strain AVIT B1010 | OL872297 | 16.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
19 | Vibrio sp. strain AVIT B1011 | OL872301 | 16.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
20 | Virgibacillus marismortui strain AVIT B1012 | OL872308 | 16.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
21 | Salinivibrio proteolyticus strain AVIT B1013 | OM007971 | 24.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
22 | Pseudomonas extremorientalis strain AVIT B1014 | OM007979 | 24.12.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
23 | Nocardiopsis metallicus strain AVIT A006 | OL629522 | 24.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
24 | Streptomyces mutabilis strain AVIT A007 | OL629606 | 24.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
25 | Streptomyces californicus strain AVIT A008 | OL629607 | 24.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
26 | Nocardiopsis halotolerans strain AVIT 009 | OL629608 | 24.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
27 | Halomonas sp. strain AVIT B1001 | OL656094 | 27.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
28 | Salinivibrio budaii strain AVIT B1002 | OL656095 | 27.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
29 | Virgibacillus salarius strain AVIT B1004 | OL656816 | 27.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
30 | Halomonas pacifica strain AVIT B1003 | OL656109 | 27.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
31 | Streptomyces albogriseolus strain AVIT A002 | OL587519 | 20.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
32 | Streptomyces caelestis strain AVIT A003 | OL587521 | 20.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
33 | Nocardiopsis alba strain AVIT A004 | OL587523 | 20.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
34 | Streptomyces finlayi strain AVIT A005 | OL587527 | 20.11.2021 | Balaji, R., Devika, R. and Sathya, A.B. |
Biotechnology - NPTEL
S.No | Name of the Faculty | NPTEL Course Completed Details | Certificate Type |
1 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | Forests and their management | ELITE+SILVER |
2 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | Natural Resource Management | ELITE |
3 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | Biomass conversion and Biorefinery | Successfully Completed |
4 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | Chemical process Safety | Successfully Completed |
5 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | Environmental Biotechnology | Successfully Completed |
6 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Wild Life Ecology | Elite + Silver |
7 | Dr.R.Devika | Research methods in Health Promotion | Elite + Silver |
8 | Mrs.Subathra.M | Soil Fertility and Fertilizers | Elite + Silver |
9 | Dr. R. Devika | Environmental Biotechnology | ELITE +SILVER |
10 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Environmental Biotechnology | ELITE |
11 | M.Subthra | Environmental Biotechnology | ELITE |
12 | P.Mohanapriya | Biomedical Nanotechnology | ELITE |
13 | A.Sasikala | Basic Environmental Engineering and pollution abatement | ELITE |
14 | A.Sasikala | Principles and practices of process equipment and plant design | ELITE + SILVER |
15 | A.Sasikala | Waste water treatment and Recycling | ELITE + SILVER |
16 | Dr R Devika | Biomedical Nanotechnology | ELITE +SILVER |
17 | Dr R Devika | Cell Culture Technologies | ELITE +SILVER |
18 | Dr.R.Balachandar | Cell culture technologies | COMPLETED SUCCESSFULY |
19 | Mrs.M.Subathra | Plastic waste management | COMPLETED SUCCESSFULY |
20 | Mrs.M.Subathra | Waste to energy conversion | COMPLETED SUCCESSFULY |
21 | Dr G Karthiga devi | Industrial Biotechnology | GOLD |
22 | Ms Deepa Priya | Nanotechnology in agriculture | COMPLETED SUCCESSFULY |
23 | Dr.R.Devika | Economics of IPR Ethics | ELITE +SILVER |
24 | Dr.K.Velmurugan | Human Molecular Genetics | COMPLETED SUCCESSFULY |
25 | Dr.S.Vinoth | Functional Genomics | ELITE- SILVER |
UHV Certification Course
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Name of the Course |
1 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education |
Foreign Visit by the Faculty
Dr Shanmuga Sundar S, Assistant Professor (Grade II) was an invited speaker and guest lecture at the 3rd International Conference on Natural Products and Human Health 2023 (ICNPHH-2023) held at the The Padre Albino University Center (UNIFIPA), Catanduva, SP, Brazil from 9th to 11th October 2023.

Dr Shanmuga Sundar S, Assistant Professor (Grade II) was anguest lecture at the 3rd International Conference on Natural Products and Human Health 2023 (ICNPHH-2023) held at the The Padre Albino University Center (UNIFIPA), Catanduva, SP, Brazil from 9th to 11th October 2023.

Dr. B. Praba sheela, Associate ProfessorSchool of renewable energy technology, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand from 21st – 29th April 2016for Faculty/Student Exchange Program.

Student Achievements – Best student award
Ratnadip saha (3811910512) Final year , Biotechnology.

ISTE -Best student award for the year 2022 received by
Ratnadip saha (3811910512) and Deepika (3811910506), Final year, Biotechnology.
Student Achievements-In National level Competition
1st prize with a cash award of Rs.25,000 in Climate Hackathon Category Rahul NitinKhot & Nishal Kumar Dubey
25th November 2022

Deepak kumar.J Designed logo has been selected for the Titled cultural SHALOM which is conducted by the Rotaract club of Loyola College. Out of 6 Clubs and heavy competition his logo as been selected and approved by all the 6 club president`s, secretary’s, chairman and co-chairman’s.
Sports and Cultural & Other Achievements
AVIT Girls Badminton team came runner up in the VMRF Intercollegiate Badminton Tournament.
First prize in paper presentation at Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Chennai-Ratnadip Saha
Students-NPTEL Course Completed
S.No | year | Name of the Student | Register No. | Course Name | Course Duration | Certificate Type | Time Line |
1 | 2024 | K.Devi Sai Prasanna | 3812310509 | Natural Resource Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July – October 2024 |
2 | 2024 | Yendapalli Durgaram | 3812310521 | Natural Resource Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July – October 2024 |
3 | 2024 | K.Lakshmi Shivani | 3812310508 | Natural Resource Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July – October 2024 |
4 | 2024 | R.Seema Kumari | 3812310515 | Natural Resource Management | 12 Weeks | Successfully completed | July – October 2024 |
5 | 2024 | Hrithika Kumari | 3812110504 | Dairy and Food process and Products Technology | 12 Weeks | Successfully completed | July – October 2024 |
6 | 2024 | BABITA KUMARI | 3812210506 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | GOLD + ELITE | Jan-April 2024 |
7 | 2024 | BINOD KUMAR | 3812210507 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | SILVER + ELITE | Jan-April 2024 |
8 | 2024 | GUNJAN KUMAR | 3812210512 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan-April 2024 |
9 | 2024 | JANNAT PARWEEN | 3812210511 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | GOLD + ELITE | Jan-April 2024 |
10 | 2024 | K KARAN KUMAR | 3812210513 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | GOLD + ELITE | Jan-April 2024 |
11 | 2024 | KHUSHBU PARWEEN | 3812210515 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | SILVER + ELITE | Jan-April 2024 |
12 | 2024 | KRISHAN KUMAR | 3812210516 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan-April 2024 |
13 | 2024 | GAJALKSHMI U | 3812063503 | RNA | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan-April 2024 |
14 | 2024 | INNIYAVN V | 3811916508 | Molecular biology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan-April 2024 |
15 | 2023 | NISHAL KUMAR DUBEY | 3812110509 | Genetic engineering: Theory and application | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
16 | 2023 | KISHORE.W | 3812110506 | Genetic engineering: Theory and application | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
17 | 2023 | KHOT RAHUL NITIN | 3812110505 | Genetic engineering: Theory and application | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
18 | 2023 | PRAVEENA B | 3812010515 | Environmental biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
19 | 2023 | INIYAVAN V | 3811916508 | Environmental biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
20 | 2023 | RANJITH | 3812010518 | Environmental biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
21 | 2023 | DEEPAK KUMAR | 3812010506 | Environmental biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
22 | 2023 | SURAJ KUMAR | 3812010524 | Environmental biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
23 | 2023 | K KARAN KUMAR | 3812210513 | Environmental biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
24 | 2023 | ANDREA JESSICA | 3812210504 | Environmental biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
25 | 2023 | AMIT KUMAR | 3812110502 | Dairy and Food process and product technology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
26 | 2023 | MANSHI RAJ | 3812110508 | Dairy and Food process and product technology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
27 | 2023 | BIPIN KUMAR | 3812210508 | Dairy and Food process and product technology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jul-Oct 2023 |
28 | 2022 | RISHI KUMAR | 3812010520 | Genetic Engineering theory and application | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July-Oct 2022 |
29 | 2022 | SINTU KUMAR RAY | 3812010522 | Genetic Engineering theory and application | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July-Oct 2022 |
30 | 2022 | RATNADIP SAHA | 3811910512 | Applied Environmental Microbiology | 12 weeks | Elite | Jan-Apr 2022 |
31 | 2022 | DEEPIKA S | 3811910505 | Environmental Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Elite | July-Oct 2022 |
32 | 2022 | DEEPIKA S | 3811910506 | Environmental Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July-Oct 2022 |
33 | 2022 | HEMAVATHI | 3811910507 | Environmental Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July-Oct 2022 |
34 | 2022 | RAJESH N | 3811910511 | Environmental Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July-Oct 2022 |
35 | 2022 | REENA R | 3811910513 | Environmental Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Elite | July-Oct 2022 |
36 | 2022 | ANSHU KUMAR | 3811910501 | Industrial Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July- oct 2022 |
37 | 2022 | BITTU KUMAR | 3811910502 | Industrial Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July- oct 2022 |
38 | 2022 | CHANDAN KUMAR | 3811910503 | Industrial Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July- oct 2022 |
39 | 2022 | SURAJ KUMAR | 38119105015 | Industrial Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | July- oct 2022 |
40 | 2022 | POOJA TRIPATHI | 3811810509 | Structural Biology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan-April 2022 |
41 | 2022 | AKSHITA G K | 3811810502 | Structural Biology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan-April 2022 |
42 | 2022 | AMRITESH M MENON | 3812157501 | Structural Biology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan-April 2022 |
43 | 2021 | MONISHA C | 3811810507 | Structural Biology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan-April 2021 |
44 | 2021 | ANUSHIYA S | 3811810503 | Structural Biology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan-April 2021 |
45 | 2021 | R AJAY | 3811710501 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan –April 2021 |
46 | 2021 | R GOWTHAM | 3811710503 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan –April 2021 |
47 | 2021 | S LOKESH | 3811710507 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan –April 2021 |
48 | 2021 | M MANIKANDAN | 3811710508 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan –April 2021 |
49 | 2021 | S POOVARASAN | 3811710510 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan –April 2021 |
50 | 2021 | R SATHYA | 3811710511 | Forests and Their Management | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Jan –April 2021 |
51 | 2020 | KARTHIKA . M | 3811710505 | Industrial Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Sep to Dec 2020 |
52 | 2020 | RATNADIP SAHA | 3811910512 | Industrial Biotechnology | 12 weeks | Successfully completed | Sep- Dec 2020 |
S.No | Name of the Medal/Award | National/International | Sports | Cultural | Reg No. | Name of the Student |
1 | Best student award | National level | — | ISTE | 3811810503 | Anushiya .S |
2 | Throw ball Second prize | College level | sports | Cultural level | 3812010508 | Hemalatha M |
3 | First prize Ball badminton | College level | sports | — | 3812010508 | Hemalatha M |
4 | First prize Hair style | College level | — | Cultural level | 3812010508 | Hemalatha M |
5 | Academic performance award Second prize | College level | — | Cultural level | 3812010508 | Hemalatha M |
6 | Nail art First prize | College level | — | Cultural level | 3812010511 | Machiyilepame |
7 | Solosong Secondprize | College level | — | Cultural | 3812010512 | NawazishEkwal |
8 | Short film Second prize | College level | — | Cultural | 3812010512 | NawazishEkwal |
9 | Throw ball Second prize | College level | sports | — | 3812010512 | NawazishEkwal |
10 | waste craft Second prize | College level | — | Cultural | 3812010515 | Praveena |
11 | Ball badminton First prize | College level | sports | — | 3812010515 | Praveena |
12 | Academic performance award | College level | — | — | 3812010515 | Praveena |
13 | Pencil art Third prize | College level | — | Cultural | 3812010523 | Sumitkumar |
14 | Anthaksari First prize | College level | — | Cultural | 3811910503 | Chandankumar |
15 | Throw ball Second prize | College level | — | Cultural | 3811910505 | Deepika |
16 | Academic performance award | College level | — | — | 3811910505 | Deepika |
17 | Pot painting Second prize | College level | — | — | 3811910505 | Deepika |
18 | Academic performance award | College level | — | — | 3811910512 | Ratnadipsaha |
S.No | Name of the award/medal | National/ International | Sports | Cultural | Reg.No | Name of the Student |
2021 | ||||||
1 | First place | National | – | Narrate O graphy | 3811810502 | Akshita G K |
2 | Third place | National | – | On spot speech | 3811810502 | Akshita G K |
3 | Second place | National | – | Debate | 3811810502 | Akshita G K |
4 | Best student award | National | – | – | 3811710511 | R. Sathya |
2020 | ||||||
1 | Winner | National | – | Essay writing | 3811810509 | PoojaTripathi |
2019 | ||||||
1 | Winner | National | – | Crossword | 3811510007 | J Aishwarya Lakshmi |
2 | winner | National | – | Drawing | 3811510021 | H.Veena |
3 | Runner | National | – | Technical JAM | 3811710511 | R.Sathya |
4 | Winner | National | – | Connections | 3811510021 | H.Veena |
5 | Winner | National | – | Adapt tune | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
6 | First | National | – | Treasure Hunt | 3811710511 | R. Sathya |
7 | Winner | National | Throw ball | – | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
8 | Winner | National | Throw ball | – | 3811610011 | JemilaBlessy J |
9 | Winner | National | Throw ball | – | 3811510019 | Subashree V |
10 | Winner | National | Throw ball | – | 3811510011 | Ilakiya R |
11 | Runner | National | Long Jump | – | 3811610011 | JemilaBlessy J |
2018 | ||||||
12 | Winner | National | – | Technical Quiz | 3811510021 | H.Veena |
13 | First | National | – | Collage | 3811710511 | R. Sathya |
14 | First | National | – | Treasure Hunt | 3811710511 | R. Sathya |
15 | Third | National | – | Technical Quiz | 3811510021 | H.Veena |
16 | First | National | – | Essay writing | 3811710511 | R. Sathya |
17 | Second | National | – | Technical Quiz | 3811710511 | R. Sathya |
18 | First | National | – | Debate | 3811510007 | J Aishwarya Lakshmi |
19 | First | National | – | Technical Quiz | 3811510007 | J Aishwarya Lakshmi |
20 | Third | National | “4*100 M Relay” | – | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
21 | Winner | National | Women Javellin | – | 3811510019 | Subashree V |
22 | Runner | National | Throw ball | – | 3811510019 | Subashree V |
23 | Runner | National | Throw ball | – | 3811610011 | JemilaBlessy J |
2017 | ||||||
24 | Runner | National | Volley ball | – | 3811510019 | Subashree V |
25 | Runner | National | Volley ball | – | 3811510011 | Ilakiya R |
26 | Second | National | – | Essay Competition | 3811610013 | S.Kamalesh |
27 | First | National | – | Rangoli | 3811510021 | H.Veena |
28 | Runner | National | Throw ball | – | 3811510011 | Ilakiya R |
29 | Runner | National | Ball Batminton | – | 3811610011 | JemilaBlessy J |
30 | Runner | National | Handball | – | 3811310022 | Sathish V |
31 | Meritorious Sportsman | National | Volley Ball | – | 3811310022 | Sathish V |
32 | Third | National | – | Creative writing | 3811610019 | SowndariyaKulothungan |
33 | Third | National | – | Dumb charades | 3811610019 | SowndariyaKulothungan |
34 | Second | National | – | Collage | 3811610019 | SowndariyaKulothungan |
35 | Third | National | – | Quiz | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
2016 | ||||||
36 | First | National | – | Rangoli | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
37 | First | National | – | Technical | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
38 | First | National | – | Rangoli | 3811610019 | SowndariyaKulothungan |
39 | First | National | – | Rangoli | 3811510021 | H.Veena |
40 | First | National | – | Movie review | 3811610019 | SowndariyaKulothungan |
41 | Third | National | – | Quiz | 3811510009 | AnurimaMandal |
42 | First | National | – | Collage | 3811510009 | AnurimaMandal |
43 | Second | National | – | Rangoli | 3811510007 | J Aishwarya Lakshmi |
44 | Second | National | – | photo collage | 3811510007 | J Aishwarya Lakshmi |
45 | Second | National | – | photo collage | 3811510008 | Akansha Kumar |
46 | Third | National | – | Quiz | 3811510008 | Akansha Kumar |
47 | Second | National | – | Rangoli | 3811510018 | Srividhya |
48 | Second | National | – | Mathematical Rangoli | 3811510018 | Srividhya |
49 | Third | National | – | Mathematical model | 3811510018 | Srividhya |
50 | Third | National | – | Quiz | 3811510010 | Dibyashree |
51 | first | National | – | Rangoli | 3811510011 | Ilakkiya |
52 | Second | National | – | photo collage | 3811510010 | Dibyashree |
53 | Third | National | – | Drawing | 3811510010 | Dibyashree |
54 | Third | National | – | Creative writing | 3811610025 | VishnuPriya |
55 | First | National | – | Rangoli | 3811610025 | VishnuPriya |
56 | Second | National | – | photo collage | 3811610025 | VishnuPriya |
57 | First | National | – | JAM | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
58 | Third | National | – | Dumb charades | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
59 | First | National | – | Rangoli | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
60 | Third | National | – | Quiz | 3811610012 | Kalpana B |
Student Enrichment Programmes (Special Lectures / Workshops / Seminar) Involving External Experts
S.No | Details of Topic, Institution, Winter/Summer Course/Others | Date of Event |
1 | Workshop on Modern Techniques in Biotechnology for School Students | 20th Sep 2019 |
2 | Earth day celebration -2018 | 21st April 2018 |
3 | Orgnaised a National level student Symposium “ INNOV AVIT-2018” | 16th March, 2018 |
4 | Orgnaised a food adulteration program under NSS activity | March 25th - 31st 2018 |
5 | Orgnaized a guest lecturer on “Signal perception and Transdusction in plants” | 21st February, 2018 |
6 | Orgnaized a One day seminar on “ Stem cell –The ultimate panacea” | 31st January, 2018 |
7 | Orgnaized a One day seminar on “ Market opportunity and Drivers for Biobased and compostable plastics ” | 24th October, 2017 |
8 | Orgnaized a One day seminar on “Bioinfromatics a tool kit” | 16th August, 2017 |
9 | Orgnaized a One day seminar on “Alternate method for Animal studies” | 08th September, 2017 |
10 | Organised a workshop on “Chromatography and Blotting Techniques”- Abbes Biotech. | 15th -16th Feb 2016 |
11 | Orgnaised a Seminar on “Hormones, Life style and Health” | 18th Feb -2016 |
12 | Organised a Seminar on “Basic Microbial Techniques in the Industrial Enzyme production and purification” | 31st Aug 2016 |
13 | Organised a Hands on Training on “Basic Microbial Techniques in the Industrial Enzyme production and purification” | 1st and 2nd September 2016 |
14 | Organised a Seminar on “Clinical Research and Career pathway” | 6th September -2016. |
15 | Organised an International Workshop on “DNA Analysis in Forensic Investigations” - Dr. Abirami Chidambaram, Forensic Quality Assurance Manager, Forensic Laboratory Bureau - New Mexico Department of Public Safety, Mexico. | 11th March, 2015. |
16 | Organised a Guest Lectures on “ Supramolecular Chemistry” – Dr. V. Narayanan, Professor, Dept. Of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai. | 12thSeptember, 2014. |
17 | Organised a International Training & Certification Programme on “Food Safety & HACCP” by NIST Institute Pvt Ltd, Chennai. | 16th – 19th December, 2014. |
18 | Organised a Lecture cum Demonstration on “Balanced Diet (Maggi Taste Bhi Health Bhi Kitchen) by Nestle India Ltd., Chennai – at Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Paiyanoor by Mrs. Gajalakshmi, Consumer Service Executive, Nestle India Ltd., Chennai. | 11th March, 2013. |
19 | Organized a seminar on “Recent Advancements in Medical Technology” – Dr. Hariprashanth Elangovan, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. | 11th June, 2013. |
20 | Organized a seminar on “Breakfast – The Secret to Great Health” – Dr. s. Lailtha, Manager, R & D (Nutrition & Lab), R & D Centre, Britannia Industries Ltd., Chennai | 3rd October, 2013. |
21 | Organized a seminar on “Food, Mood and Healthcare Awareness” – for the Teaching staff of AVIT by Dr. Radhika Ganesan, Chief Clinical Research Scientist, President, Association of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics | 15th June, 2012. |
22 | Organized a Joint VMU – iLife Interactive Session – Mr. Anand Gupta, CEO – iLife & Dr. Shweta A. Grewal, Vice President – iLife. | 14th March, 2011. |
23 | Inaugurated the “Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India), AFST(I), Kancheepuram Chapter”, followed by a Guest Lecture on “Food Biotechnology” – Inaugurated by Dr. P. Kumarasamy, Professor and Head, Post Graduate Research Institute in Animal Sciences (PGRIAS), Kattupakkam; Dr. G. Venkateshwaran, Senior Principal Scientist and Vice president, AFST(I), Food Microbiology Department, Central Food Technological Research Institute, CSIR, (Govt. of India), Mysore | 28th September, 2011. |
24 | Organised a National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Food Biotechnology and its Applications” Co - sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. – Inaugurated by Shri. D. Rajasekar, I.F.S., Deputy Conservator of Forest (Head Quarter), Chandigarh, Punjab; Dr. Thangarajan Thamil Vanan, Professor, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai; Dr. S. Rajalakshmi, Principal Scientist, M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai; Dr. J. Yogalakshmi, Assistant Professor & Subject Matter Specialist, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Chennai; Mr. V. K. Mohan, General Manager, Consumer Products, Suguna Poultry, Coimbatore; Dr. G. Vijayalakshmi, Deputy Director, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore; Dr. Arvind R. Shenoy, Consumer Guidance Society of India and Consumer Product Researcher, Mumbai; Dr. B. Dinesh Kumar, Deputy Director, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad; Dr. J. Syama Dayal, Senior Scientist, Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai; Dr. R. Sridhar, Head, Department of Biotechnology, IIBAT, Chennai . | 29th & 30th September, 2011. |
25 | Organized a Guest Lectures on “Recent Trends In Biotechnology” – Prof. H. Devaraj, D. Sc., Director, A. L. Mudaliar Centre for Basic Sciences, University of Madras, Prof. and Head, Department of Biotechnology, Course Director, PG Diploma in Stem Cell Technology & Tissue Engineering, University of Madras, Guindy Campus & Dr. M. Michael Aruldhas, Secretary SRBCE, Prof. & Head, Department of Endocrinology, Dr. A.L.M.P.G.I.B.M.S., University of Madras, Taramani Campus, Chennai. | 15th September, 2010. |
26 | Organised a National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Medical Biotechnology and Bioinformatics” Co – Sponsored by Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi. – Dr. S. Vincent, Member Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai at Hotel Maris, Chennai. | 12th –13th March, 2010. |
S.No | Year | Visit | Downloads |
1 | 2022-2023 | Industrial visit to Eppendorf India private Limited Ambattur industrial Estate | |
2 | 2022-2023 | Industrial visit to Golden Jubilee Bio park for women |
S.No | Name of the Activities | Name of the Event | Date/Duration | Name of the Chief Guest / Alumni with Address |
1 | Alumni webinar series | "Alumni Talk-Bridging the gap between Industry Expectations and Graduates" | 8/30/2024 | Ratnadip Saha Exective-Business Development (European Union, Australia and New Zealand) Softgel Healthcare Private Limited Siruseri, Sipcot, Chennai |
2 | Alumni webinar series | "Career Guidance on Higher Education in Biotechnology" | 4/01/2024 | Mrs. Preethi, Full Time Research Scholar, Madras University, Completed B.Tech Biotech (Batch 2014-2018) |
3 | Alumni webinar series | Computer system validation (CSV) | 6/21/2021 | Ms.AnurimaMandal, Lavitas Life science, Chennai |
4 | Alumni webinar series | How Patience Can Influence Once Career | 6/18/2021 | Mr.Ambar Banerjee, Assistant Teacher, St. Joseph School, Jagatpur |
5 | Alumni webinar series | Education system (Master) and work culture in USA | 6/17/2021 | Mrs.ThejoRemyaAenugu, Sr.Software developer, American Honda Finance, Los Agngeles, USA. |
6 | Alumni webinar series | An insight on medical coding and scope | 6/16/2021 | Mrs.Revathi, Senior coder, Vee Technologies Pvt., Chennai |
7 | Alumni webinar | "Scope of Biotechnology in Pharmaceutical Industry | 21.11.2020 | Ms.HimadriGogoi ,Assistant Manager Supply Excellence, Reckitt Benkise |
8 | Alumni student inter action | Alumni meet 2020 | 7/26/2020 | All alumni students |
S.No | Alumni Name & Batch | Designation | Work Place |
1 | Faizan | Production Executive | Biocon, Bangalore |
2 | Monica Deep | cGMP system Executive | Syngene International Ltd., (A biocon Company), . |
3 | Kushbu kumari | Food Corporation of India (FCI) | Quality Inspector, New Delhi |
4 | Dyanand | Lab Manager | Thyrocare, Mumbai |
5 | Abishek Naha | Manager, QC | Wanda Pharmaceuticals |
6 | Chandrakant | Medical Coding analyst | Harvas management Solutions, Chennai |
7 | Shivani Prakash | Quality Analyst Executive | Suman Vatika Food Pvt Ltd, Hajipur. |
8 | Arpita Roy | Medical Coding analyst | Episource India Pvt. Ltd, Chennai |
9 | Brijesh Kumar | Junior Research Fellow | CSIR-JRF, DBT-JRF, M.Tech , (Bits Bilani) |
10 | Kumar Avula | Ph.D .,Scholar | Switzerland, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland. |
11 | Preetama Sharma | Quality control Executive | Azyme Bioscience Pvt Ltd, Bangalore |
12 | Rajiv Ranjan Kumar | Quality Control manager | Frazen’s Food Pvt Ltd, |
13 | Swaminathan | Executive CRYO & SRT | Life cell Pvt Ltd, chennai |
14 | Apurbo bakshi | Junior officer | Tata Tinplates, , Jharkand |
15 | Gautami Sinha | Junior scientific officer | Eye Healthcare Pvt Ltd, , Jharkhand |
16 | Monisha.R | Junior scientific Officer | Omics International Pvt. Ltd, Hydrabad |
17 | Venkata Karthick | Clnical Data manager | Novartis Health care India, Hydrabad |
S.No | Event Name | Date of the Event |
1 | Nanomaterials and Natural Products | 4/30/2021 |
2 | Career opportunities in the field of Biotechnology | 20.05.2021 |
3 | Recognition and Realization of Biological Diversity | 26.05.2021 |
4 | Perspectives in Biotechnology for the Emergings times | 5/28/2021 |
5 | Carrier opportunities in the filed of Pharmacutical Enginerring | 29.05.2021 |
6 | Be positive against Covid positive | 4.06.2021 |
7 | National Online Environment Day Quiz-Cum-Awareness Competition | 5.6.2021 |
8 | Circular Bio-Economy and sustainable development of Biofuel Industries | 10.06.2021 |
9 | Exploring and Understanding of COVID 19 Pa(i)ndemic | 6/11/2021 |
10 | Alumni webianr series-DAY -1 -An insight on medical coding and scope | 6/16/2021 |
11 | Alumni webianr series-DAY -2 -Educcation system (Master) and work culture in USA | 6/17/2021 |
12 | Alumni webianr -Day -3 -How Patience Can Influence Once Career | 6/18/2021 |
13 | Alumni webianr -Day -4-Computer System Validation (CSV)” | 6/21/2021 |
14 | Emerging Nano -Biomaterials with combat antimicrobial Resistance | 7/15/2021 |
15 | Recent strategies in biotechnology & biosciences | 27-7-21 to 28-7-21 |
16 | Nanomaterials and Natural Products | 5.9.2021 |
17 | Virtual Alumni meet | 9/22/2021 |
18 | International webinar on Pharmacogenomics in drug discovery and Development | 5.9.2021 |
19 | Organised guest lecture on “Role of Informatics in Bio Entrepreneurship”by Mr. K. K. Prashanth, Simbioen labs and scientific services, chennai | 2/10/2020 |
20 | Organised faculty development programme on “ AFM & FTIR based material testing for research” by Dr. T. N. Sairam, Dr.Viswanath, Dr.K. Sangamithra | 17th& 18th Dec. 2019 |
21 | Organised one day workshop on “Modern Techniques in Biotechnology for School Students” by Dr. B. Prabasheela | 9/20/2019 |
22 | Organised guest lecture on “ Pharmaceutical Industry trends and career prospects” by Dr. Vijay Alagappan | 8/22/2019 |
23 | Organised two day National Conference on “ Second National Conference On “Recent Innovations in Biotechnology” | 13th& 14th Aug. 2019 |
24 | Organised guest lecture on “ Animal Research and Ethics” by Dr.R.Selvaraj | 8/1/2019 |
25 | Organised guest lecture on “ Scope of Biotechnology in Industry”by Dr. D. Sudhakaran | 7/25/2019 |
26 | Organised guest lecture on “ Micropropagation of Plant” by Dr. JoergWeissmueller | 7/15/2019 |
27 | Organised a One day seminar on “ Stem cell –The ultimate panacea” | 1/31/2018 |
28 | Organised a guest lecturer on “Signal perception and Transdusction in plants” | 2/21/2018 |
29 | Organised a National level student Symposium “ INNOV AVIT-2018” | 3/16/2018 |
30 | Organised a food adulteration program under NSS activity | March 25th – 31st 2018 |
31 | Earth day celebration -2018 | 21st April 2018 |
32 | Guest lecturer “ Current trends in cancer biomarkes” | 8/7/2018 |
33 | Guest lecturer “ Precising Medicine in Cancer Treatment” | 9/3/2018 |
34 | ISTE innaguration and Engineers day celebration | 9/15/2018 |
35 | Organised a One day seminar on “ Stem cell –The ultimate panacea” | 1/31/2018 |
36 | Organized a guest lecturer on “Signal perception and Transdusction in plants” | 2/21/2018 |
37 | Organised a National level student Symposium “ INNOV AVIT-2018” | 3/16/2018 |
38 | Organised a food adulteration program under NSS activity | March 25th – 31st 2018 |
39 | Organised a Guest lecturer on” A paradigm Step in to Molecular Diagnostics” | 8th February 2017 |
40 | Organised a Seminar on “Stem cell biology and Regenerative medicine” | March 7th 2017 |
41 | Organized a One day seminar on “Bioinformatics a tool kit” | 16. 08.2017 |
42 | Organised a Hands on Training on “Basic Microbial Techniques in the Industrial Enzyme production and purification” | 1st and 2nd September 2016 |
43 | Organised a Seminar on “Clinical Research and Career pathway” | 6th September -2016. |
44 | Organised a Guest lecturer on “Pharmaceutical Industry Trends and Expectation” | 20th October 2016 |
Seed Money Project Details
S.No | Project Name | PI Name | Co-PI Name | Duration | Amount Sanctioned | Year of Sanction and Phase |
1 | Studies on Bio-char generated from Agro/food waste for industrial applications | Dr.L.Nagarajan | - | 2 Years | 250000 | 2023 / V |
2 | An Anabatic approach of Nano sponge as a drug delivery | Dr. R. Devika | - | 2 Years | 175000 | 2022/IV |
3 | Preparation and evaluation of herbal bandage for diabetic wound healing | Dr.A. Nirmala | Ms.Subathra M | 2 Years | 194950 | 2021/ III |
4 | Biofuel production from sugarcane bagasse using deifferent catalysts and Basidomycetes (Wealth from waste) | Dr.R. Devika | Ms.Subathra M | 2 Years | 200000 | 2020/ I |
Funded Projects
S.No | Name of the Project | Name of the PI | Name of the Co-PI | Name of the Funding Agency | Year | Amount Sanctioned |
1 | Nanopore-Based Biosensing Precepts for Identifying Specific Amino Acids: A Novel Approach for the Detection of Early Tumour Cells | Dr Shanmuga Sundar S. | -- | Start-up Research Grant in DST SERB | 2023-2024 | 20,94,000.00 |
2 | Multicentric industrial project to evaluate the efficiency of innovative disinfection instrument | Dr Shanmuga Sundar S. | -- | Spotless AI Limited, United Kingdom | 2023-2024 | 6,00,000.00 |
3 | Prevalence of Iron deficiency Anemia and their associated factors among Government and Private school children -A comparative study | Dr.A.Nirmala | -- | Tamilnadu State council for Science and Technology | 2022-2023 | 7500.00 |
4 | Isolation and Characterization of Bio prospective microbiome in land fill area for plastic degradation | P.Mohanapriya | -- | Tamilnadu State council for Science and Technology | 2022-2023 | 7500.00 |
Funding Projects Applied
S.No | Name of the Project | Name of the PI-Co-PI | Name of the Funding Agency | Year of Applied | Total Amount |
1 | Synthesis And Charaterization Of Paclitaxel Loaded Biodegradable Polymeric Nanoparticles For Enhanced Anticancer Activity | Dr.R.Devika | CRG-SERB | Mar-21 | 2.35 lakhs |
2 | Formulation and evaluation of herbal bandage for wound healing in streptozotocin induced diabetic albino rats | Dr.A.Nirmala | CRG-SERB | Mar-21 | 37.24lakhs |
3 | Micro Propagation and Acclimatization Controlled Growth of Medicinal Plants Collected From Western Ghats | Dr.R.Balachandar | CRG-SERB | Mar-21 | 26.71lakhs |
4 | Synthesis and Characterization of Paclitaxel Loaded Biodegradable Polymeric NanoParticles for Enhanced Anticancer Activity | Dr.A.B.SATHYA, Dr.R.DEVIKA | Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology | 2020 | 9.5lakhs |
5 | Precision Farming using IoT | Dr.DEVIKA , Ms.SUBATHRA | Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology | 2020 | 9.9 lakhs |
6 | "Development of Active Food Packing of ClimactericFruits by Incorporating Essential Oil into Polyhydroxybutyrate/zinc oxide nanocomposite package films" | Dr.A.B.SATHYA | SERB | 2020 | 24.12lakhs |
7 | In vitro antiviral activity of medicinal plants extracts against the spread of CoVID-19 | Dr.R.Devika | BIRAC | 2020 | 13.5 Lakhs |
8 | ECOFRIENDLY SOLID MOSQUITO REPELLENT MOSI-QUIT | Dr.B.Prabasheela , Dr.A.Nirmala | BIRAC-PACE | 2019 | 15.25 lakhs |
9 | In vitro Production of Endangered Medicinal Plants Using Net House | Mr.R.Balachandar, Dr.R.Devika, Dr.G.Karthigadevi | DST-TDT | 2019-March | 31.43lakhs |
10 | Seed balls production process | Dr. G. Karthigadevi (CO-PI) | TNSCST | 2019-Feb | 350,000 |
11 | Therapeutic validation of allylated mono carbonyl curcumin analog CA10: Glutathione S-Transferase P1 as a potential Molecular target against cervical cancer | Dr.R .Subbaiya, Dr.R.Devika | TNSCST | 2019-Feb | 4.98lakhs |
12 | ntiurolithiatic activity of formulated herbal extracted | Dr.A.Nirmala | TNSCST | 2019-Feb | 47000 |
13 | Zinc oxide nano particle as fungicidal carrier –Nano fertilizer formulation for Barnyard Millet | Dr. G. Karthigadevi Dr. R. Devika | TNSCST | 2019-Feb | 44000 |
14 | Entrepreneurship awareness program for biotechnology graduates | Dr.R .Subbaiya | DST-NIMAT | 2019-Feb | 60000 |
15 | Bioethanol Production from Sugarcane Bagasse | Dr.R.Devika | DBT-TATA innovation fellowship | 18-Dec | 6lakhs |
16 | Aloe vera punch as cancer therapeutics | Dr. B. Prabasheela Dr. A. Nirmala Dr. R. Nagalakshmi | DBT- ATGC | 2018-Dec | 2.5 lakhs |
17 | Fabrication of silver nano composite to alleviate pelvic inflammatory disease for intra uterine device users | Dr. B. Prabasheela Dr. A. Nirmala Dr. R. Nagalakshmi | DBT- ATGC | 2018-Dec | 2.21lakhs |
18 | Application of computer data analytics in agriculture for improved crop production | Dr. G. Karthigadevi Dr.R.Devika | DBT-ATGC | 2018-Dec | 1.64lakhs |
19 | Entrepreneurship skill development programme for rural women | Dr. R. Devika Dr. G. Karthigadevi | TNSCST | 2018-Dec | 48000 |
Ongoing Projects
S.No | Year of Start | Title of the Project |
1 | 2021 | A study on antimicrobial property of the secondary metabolic product from Endophytic Microorgansims Against Multi Drug Resistant organisms |
2 | 2020 | Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Hygrophila auriculata and enhancing their anticancer activity through biodegradable carriers |
3 | 2020 | Novel antimicrobial and cardioprotective compounds from halophilic microbes |
4 | 2019 | Zero Waste management of waste to produce Bio-products by Hydrothermal liquefaction |
Books Published
S.No | Name of the Author/Editor and Co editors | Title of the book | Publisher | ISBN Number | Year |
1 | Dr .R. Devika | Introduction to Pharmacology | Mahi publication | 978–81–19492–73–2 | 2023 |
2 | Dr .R. Devika | Biomedical Nanotechnology | ESN Publications 2021 | 978-81-950305-1-4 | 2021 |
3 | Dr .R. Devika | COVID 19 and its Impact | ESN publication | 978-81-947019-4-1 | 2021 |
4 | Editor -Dr.R.Devika Co-Editor -Dr.J.Madhusudhanan& Mrs.Subathra .M | Agriculture, Food Biotechnology and Nanotechnology | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
5 | Dr.M.Remya | Plant based Medicines | Research Sign Post, Trivandrum | 978-81-308-0547-4 | 2014 |
6 | Dr. R. Devika | Enzymes | Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd., in collaboration with Tata McGraw Hill. | 978-81-8200-292-1 | 2011 |
Books Chapter Published
S.No | Name | Title of the Chapter | Publisher | ISBN Number | Year |
1 | Subathra .M | Microalgae for Treating Wastewater | Springer Singapore | 978-981-99-2560-5 | 2023 |
2 | Subathra. M | Hydrothermal gasification of microalgal biomass for bioenergy applications | Woodhead Publishing | 978-0-443-13927-7 | 2023 |
3 | Dr.R. Balaji, Dr. R.Devika | Covid- 19 Global Pandemic and Challenges | Prime Publication | 978-71-868796-3-7 | 2023 |
4 | Dr.L.Nagarajan,Dr.Shanmuga Sundar, Dr.A.Nirmala, Mrs.M.Subathra | Domestic waste management | Global Academy | 978-625-8284-30-0 | 2023 |
5 | Mrs.Subathra M | Hydrothermal gasification of biomass for hydrogen production: Advances, challenges, and prospects | Elsevier | 978-0-323-85586-0 | 2022 |
6 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Insight in to The Human Gut Microbiome | ESN publication | 978 -93 -90781 -50 -8 | 2022 |
7 | Dr.R.Devika | Therapeutic Values of Bioactive Compounds of Plants – An Overview | ESN publication | 978 -93 -90781 -50 -8 | 2022 |
8 | Dr.R.Devika | Action of Secondary Metabolites Produced by Actinomycetes Against Plant Pathogens A Review | ESN publication | 978 -93 -90781 -50 -8 | 2022 |
9 | Dr.R.Devika | Green remediation With Microalgae: A Novel Eco Friendly Method | ESN publication | 978 -93 -90781 -50 -8 | 2022 |
10 | Dr.R.Devika | Actinomycetes Secondary Metabolites production against Plant Pathogens A Review | ESN publication | 978 -93 -90781 -50 -8 | 2022 |
11 | Dr.R.Devika | Contemporary trends and Future scenario in Pharmacological perspective of medicinal herbs | ESN publication | 978 -93 -90781 -50 -8 | 2022 |
12 | Dr.R.Devika, Dr.R.Balaji, Dr.AB.Sathya | Biopiracy | ESN publication | 978-81-947019-4-1 | 2021 |
13 | Dr.R.Balaji, Dr.R.Devika, Dr.AB.Sathya | Halophiles-source for novel metabolites | ESN publication | 978-81-947019-4-1 | 2021 |
14 | Dr.R.Balaji, Dr.R.Devika, Dr.AB.Sathya | L-Asparaginase chemotherapeutic enzyme | ESN publication | 978-81-947019-4-1 | 2021 |
15 | Dr.R.Devika | Noble metallic biocrystals in medical field | ESN publication | 978-81-947019-4-1 | 2021 |
16 | Dr.R.Devika | Biosensor in medical field | ESN publication | 978-81-947019-4-1 | 2021 |
17 | Dr.R.Devika | Polymer nanoparticle-based drug delivery system revolutionizing the cancer therapy | ESN publication | 978-81-947019-4-1 | 2021 |
18 | Dr.R.Balachandar | A study on anti-microbial and antioxidant activity of Catharanthus roseus extract | ESN publication | 978-81-947019-4-1 | 2021 |
19 | Dr.J.Madhusudhanan | Veins -Types, Anatomy | ESN publication | 978-81-947019-4-1 | 2021 |
20 | Dr.R.Balachandar | Emerging Nano based drug delivery approach for cancer therapeutics | IGI Global Publication | 978-1-7998-5049-6 | 2021 |
21 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Nutraceuticals as alternative therapeutics for Parkinson’s Disease | Thanuj International publication | 978-81-952529-0-9 | 2021 |
22 | Dr.R.Balachandar | Emerging Trends and Perspective of Immunotherapy towards cancer | Darshan Publication | 978-81-947071-3-4 | 2021 |
23 | Dr.R.Balachandar | Traditional anti-viral herbal medicine and home remedies -A review | Darshan Publication | 978-81-947071-6-5 | 2021 |
24 | Dr.B.Prabha sheela | Food Color and Autism: A Meta-Analysis | Springer | 2190-5223 | 2020 |
25 | Dr. R.Devika | An overview on Internet of things on Agriculture | ESN Publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
26 | Dr. R.Devika | Phytoremediation: A potential remedy for heavy metal removal | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
27 | Dr. R.Devika | Phytochemicals as traditional medicine and their ameliorative effects in cancer therapy | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
28 | Dr. R.Devika | Role of Actinomycetes in Biological control | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
29 | Dr. R.Devika , M.Subathra | Coronavirus -2003 to 2019 | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
30 | Dr. R.Devika | Biomedical waste management –current scenario | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
31 | Dr. R.Devika | Artificial intelligence in medical field | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
32 | Dr. R.Devika | Nano medicine | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
33 | Dr. B.Prabasheela | Fermented food –alternative nutrient source and bio therapeutics | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
34 | Dr. B.Prabasheela | Cantharanthus roseus as cancer therapeutics | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
35 | Dr.J.Madhusudhanan | Gene therapy –Approach to treat disease | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
36 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Dietary, Nutritional and Physical activity an approach for prevention and Management of Type –II Diabetes mellitus | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
37 | Dr.R.Balachandar | Brief survey of plant alkaloids against cardiovascular disease | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
38 | M.Subathra | Hydrothermal Liquefaction-an efficient waste to energy conservation method | ESN publication | 978-93-90188-00-0 | 2020 |
Consultancy Project
S.No | Organization Name | Title | Amount (Rs.) | Year |
1 | Janaki scientific company , Warren square , Mylapore, Chennai-600004 | Technical consultancy on Enzyme stability | 25,000/- | 2019-2020 |
2 | Janaki scientific company , Warren square , Mylapore, Chennai-600004 | Operation of Bioreactor | 25,000/- | 2018-2019 |
3 | ArkmatsBiotekPvt., LtD Guindy , Chennai-600 032 | Isolation of plant growth promoting traits, Biofertilizer production , Formulation, Shelf life analysis | 20, 000/- | 2018-2019 |
4 | Janaki scientific company , Warren square , Mylapore, Chennai-600004 | Optimization studies | 25, 000/- | 2017-2018 |
5 | ArkmatsBiotekPvt., LtD Guindy , Chennai-600 032 | Training on Developing the vermicomposting using agriculture wastes | 15,000/- | 2017-2018 |
6 | Janaki scientific company , Warren square , Mylapore, Chennai-600004 | Technical consultancy on Recombination technology for strain improvement | 25, 000/- | 2016-2017 |
7 | ArkmatsBiotekPvt., LtD Guindy , Chennai-600 032 | Scientific and Technical Consultancy in molecular Biology techniques | 18,000/- | 2016-2017 |
8 | ArkmatsBiotekPvt., LtD Guindy , Chennai-600 032 | Training on Phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants and identification | 30,000/- | 2015-2016 |
9 | Janaki scientific company , Warren square , Mylapore, Chennai-600004 | Process Development of finished products | 30,000/- | 2015-2016 |
S.No | Author-name | Publication Title | Journal-Name | Year | Journal Link | Impact Factor/Site score |
1 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | An overview of technologies for capturing, storing, and utilizing carbon dioxide: Technology readiness, large-scale demonstration, and cost | Chemical Engineering Journal | 2024 | | 15.1/21 |
2 | Dr.Shanmuga Sundar S | In vitro study on the Inflammatory response of Chitosan nanoparticles as a potential siRNA carrier targeting towards osteosarcoma cells | Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie International journal of research in physical chemistry and chemical physics | 2024 | | 5.4 |
3 | Dr .Shanmuga Sundar S | Preparation and evaluation of a niosomal delivery system containing G. magostana extract and study of its anti-Acanthamoeba activity | Nanoscale Advances, Royal Scoiety of Chemistry, London, UK | 2024 | | 4.7 |
4 | Dr .Nagarajan L | Adsorption isotherm and kinetic characteristics of sawdust, shrimp shell, and wild sugarcane based activated carbon for CO2 capture | Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Springer | 2023 | | 4.1 |
5 | Dr .Shanmuga Sundar S | Preparation and evaluation of physicochemical studies of novel natural cellulose microfibril (CMF) reinforced poly (sodium acrylate) hydrogel | Carbon Letters, Springer | 2023 | | 4.5 |
6 | Dr .Shanmuga Sundar S | Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Ocimum sanctum Linn. and its antibacterial activity against multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii | PeerJ | 2023 | | 3.6 |
7 | Dr.Balchandar | Green synthesis and characterization of cerium oxide nanoparticles from Artabotrys hexapetalus leaf extract and its antibacterial and anticancer properties | Materials Letters | 2022 | | 3.4 |
8 | Dr.Balchandar | Earthworm intervened nutrient recovery and greener production of vermicompost from Ipomoea staphylina – An invasive weed with emerging environmental challenges | Chemosphere | 2021 | | 7.086 |
9 | Dr.Balchandar | Valorization of food waste and poultry manure through co-composting amending saw dust, biochar and mineral salts for value-added compost production | Bioresource technology | 2021 | | 9.64 |
10 | Dr.Balchandar | Antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles phytosynthesized from Glochidion candolleanum leaves | Materials Letters | 2021 | | 3.4 |
11 | Dr.B.Prabasheela | Clinical sgnificance of tumor marker in pancreatic cancer | International journal of life science and pharma Research | 2020 | | |
12 | Dr.Balchandar | Plant-Mediated Synthesis, Characterization and Bactericidal Potential of Emerging Silver Nanoparticles Using Stem Extract of Phyllanthus pinnatus: A Recent Advance in | Journal of cluster science | 2019 | | 3.06 |
13 | Dr.Balchandar | Optimization of culture medium for improved production of antimicrobial compound by Amycolatopsis sp. –AS9 isolated from vermicasts | Biocatalyst and agriculture biotechnology | 2019 | | 2.55 |
14 | Dr.Balchandar | Green synthesis of Zinc sulfide Nanoparticles using Abrus precatorius and its effect on Coelomic fluid protein profile nd Enzymatic activityof the earthworm, Eudrilus eugeniae | Bionanoscience | 2019 | | 1.174 |
15 | Dr.Balchandar | Enriched pressmud vermicompost production with green manure plants using Eudrilus eugeniae | bioresource technology | 2019 | | 9.64 |
S.No | Author Name | Publication Title | Journal Name | Year | Journal Link |
1 | Dr R Devika | Characterization and optimization studies of cellulose-based bioplastics extracted from Musa paradisiaca L. | Global NEST Journal | 2024 | |
2 | Dr. Nagarajan L | Low Density Liquid Fertilizer from Food Waste | Indian Journal of Environmental Protection | 2023 | |
3 | Dr. R. Devika | Biosynthesis and characterization of copper nanoparticles from Bauhinia tomentosa | International Journal of scientific & Technology research | 2020 | |
4 | Dr Madhusudhanan. J | Investigation of anti-tubercular activity of Solanum nigrum | Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences | 2020 | |
5 | Dr. A. Nirmala | Physicochemical And Biological Parameters Of Water At Industrial Sites Of Metropolitan City Of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India | International journal of Biology, pharmacy and Allied health science | 2020 | |
6 | Dr. R. Devika | Biosynthesis of copper nanoparticle using Nerium oleander | Research journal of pharmacy and technology | 2019 | |
7 | Dr. B. Prabasheela | Effect of Processing on The Biochemical Parameters of Arachis hypogeae | Research journal of pharmacy and technology | 2019 | |
8 | Dr. R. Devika | Biosynthesis, Optimization and Characterization of silver nanoparticles from Bauhinia tomentosa | Research journal of pharmacy and technology | 2019 | |
9 | Dr. R Devika | Assessment on Antimicrobial Activity of Pergularia daemia Leaf Extract | Research journal of pharmacy and technology | 2019 | |
10 | Dr. R Devika | In silico molecular docking studies of quercetein compound against anti-inflammatory and anticancer protein | Research journal of pharmacy and technology | 2019 |
S.No | Author Name | Publication Title | Journal Name | Year | Journal link |
1 | Dr.R.Devika | Biodiversity Of Endophytic Fungi from Marine Algae and Its Phylogenetic Studies | Journal of survey in fischeries science | 2023 | |
2 | Dr.R.Devika | Natural bioactive product of endophytic fungi from various marine sources - a novelapproach | International journal of scientific research | 2023 | |
3 | Dr.R.Devika | Prospective of Nanosponges in the Medical Field – A Futuristic Approach | Journal-article Strad Research | 2023 | |
4 | Dr.R.Devika | A comparative evaluation of pharmacological properties of Turmeric rhizome andVinca rosea | Journal of Basic Science | 2022 | |
5 | Dr.R.Devika | Bioprospecting of Bioactive Compounds from Lippiaalba, Andannona muricata | MuktShabd Journal | 2022 | |
6 | Dr.R.Devika | A Current Pharmacological Impacts and Perspective of Hybanthusenneaspermus (Linn.) F. Muell Pharmacognosy Research | Muell Pharmacognosy Research | 2022 | |
7 | Ananthapalpu Krishnan NadarRamya , Rengasamy Devika | A Current Pharmacological Impacts and Perspective of Hybanthusenneaspermus (Linn.) F. Muel | Pharmacognosy Research | 2022 | |
8 | Devika R, S.Anushiya, Ramya A K | Bioprospecting Of Bioactive Compounds From Lippia Alba And AnnonaMuricata | MuktShabd Journal | 2022 | Home ( |
S.No | Author Name | Publication Title | Journal Name | Year | Journal link | Impact Factor |
1 | Dr R Devika | Second generation Biofuel – An Alternate source of energy | International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research | 2021 | | 0.36 |
2 | A.Nirmala | "Estimation of Salivary Protein as A Potential Biomarker For Diagnosis of Type -II Diabetes Mellitus" | Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm | 2021 | | |
3 | A.Nirmala | Phytotoxic Effect Of Textile Industry Waste Water And Optimistic Treatment Measures Using Bacterial Species And Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle | Water Conservation And Management | 2021 | | |
4 | A.Nirmala | Phytotoxic Effect Of Textile Industry Waste Water And Optimistic Treatment Measures Using Bacterial Species And Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2021 | | |
5 | Dr.B.Prabasheela | CORRELATION BETWEEN TUMOR MARKERS IN PRE AND POST TREATMENT OF PANCREATIC CANCER PATIENTS | Nigerian journal of natural products and medicine | 2021 | | |
6 | Dr. R. Devika | Green synthesis and charaterization of iron nanoparticles from Bauhinia tomentosa | International Journal of green pharmacy | 2020 | | 0.4 |
7 | Dr. R.Devika | E waste management – current scenario | International journal of advanced science and technology | 2020 | | |
8 | Dr. R. Devika | Green silver nanoparticles: A noble biocrystal | International Journal of scientific ; Technology research | 2020 | | |
9 | Dr. R. Devika | Hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass – An alternate sustainable energy | International Journal of scientific ; Technology research | 2020 | | 0.2 |
10 | A.NIRMALA | Salivary glucose concentration in Type –II diabetic people A case - control study | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research | 2019 | (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4. 0/) | 0.2 |
11 | B.Prabasheela | Formulation of novel herbal cream as mosquito repellent= | International journal of Pharmaceutical research | 2018 | | 0.12 |
12 | B.Prabasheela | Methods for synthesizing hydroxyapatite and doping of Nano particles as biocomposite for tissue engineering –A review. | International journal of Pharmaceutical research | 2018 | | 0.12 |
13 | A.Nirmala | Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Type –II Diabetes | International Journal of Pharma and Bioscience | 2018 | | |
14 | A.Nirmala | Health benefits and natural manifestation of aflotoxin in peanuts | Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences | 2020 | | |
15 | Dr R Devika | Green synthesis and characterization of iron nanoparticles from Bauhinia tomentosa | International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research | 2020 | | 0.469 |
16 | Dr.B.Prabasheela | Fabrication of Silver Nanocomposite on Copper Metal- A Potential Strategy to Alleviate Pelvic Inflammatory Disease | International journal of life science and pharma Research | 2020 | | |
17 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Salivary glucose concentration in Type –II diabetic people A case - control study | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research | 2019 | (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4. 0/) | 0.4 |
18 | Dr.B.Prabasheela | Formulation of novel herbal cream as mosquito repellent. | International journal of Pharmaceutical research | 2018 | | 1.55 |
19 | Dr.B.Prabasheela | Methods for synthesizing hydroxyapatite and doping of Nano particles as biocomposite for tissue engineering –A review. | International journal of Pharmaceutical research | 2018 | | 1.55 |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Patent Title | Application No. | Filed (Year) | Patent type(Product/Prosess/ Innovation/Copyrights etc) |
1 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Agriculture Drone for pesticide spray | 6286737 | 2023 | Design patent (UK) |
2 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Smart cleaning vehicle | 6291781 | 2023 | Design patent (UK) |
3 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | A Smart Hybrid Charging Cover and Sysyem for mobile communication Device | 202241063465 | 18/11/2022 | Product |
4 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | A self learning and Artificially Intelligent device for System for Manicure-Pedicure Operations and Methods Thereof’, dated 09/12/2022 | 202241069783 | 09/12/2022 | Product |
5 | Dr.L.Nagarajan | Variable Dosage Digital Medical Atomizer’, Design number | 6248098 | 21/12/2022 | Grant patent (U.K) |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Patent Title | Application No. | Filed (Year) | Patent type(Product/Prosess/ Innovation/Copyrights etc) |
1 | Dr.R.Balaji,Dr.R.Devika and Dr.A B Sathya | Process method for isolation of Novel Halophiles from Saltpan | 202241007855 | 15.02.2022 | Innovation |
2 | Dr.B.Prabasheela | ECO friendly solid Mosquito Repellent | E-2/2895/2018 – CHE | 26.09.2018 | Innovation |
Thrust Area Research Inputs
S.NO | Thrust Area | Activities |
1 | Dr. R. Devika –Nanobiotechnology | 2017 - Phytochemical Evaluation of Bauhinia tomentosa and its mediated nanoparticles synthesis2018- Biosynthesis of silver and copper nanoparticles using Catharathus roseus and Nerium oleander" 2019- Biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Tridax procumbens" Biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Datura metel2020- Biosorption potential study of plant extracts in the removal of heavy metals Plant sample Treated effluent " |
2 | Dr.B.Prabhasheela- Cancerbiology | 2021 She and Earth Moringa Femini sanitaory pad, ECO friendly solid Mosquito Repellent 2020 Analysis Biochemical parameter in pancreatic cancer |
3 | Dr. A. Nirmala – Medicinal plants and Diabetes mellitus | 2018- Consumer attitude on vendors practices and safety aspects of street foods in selected study area of kanchipuram (dt)2020 - Comparative study on textile dye degradation using bacterial species and Zinc Oxide nanoparticle |
4 | "Dr. R. Balachandar– Microbial Biotechnology" | 2020 Extraction of bioactive compounds from marine actionmycetes, Green synthesis of AgNps from various medicinal plants and study its efficacy against clinical pathogens." |
5 | Mrs. Subathra. M – Bioresource technology | "2020 A step down approach on biomass to biocrude using HTL process" |
6 | "Dr. A. B. Sathya –Novel drugs" | "Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Hygrophila auriculata and enhancing their anticancer activity through biodegradable carrier |
7 | "Dr. R. Balaji –Novel drugs" | Novel antimicrobial and cardioprotective compounds from Halophilic bacteria |
NPTEL Faculty
S.No | Name of the Faculty | NPTEL Course completed | Certificate type |
1 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Dairy and food process and products technology | Elite |
2 | Dr.A.Nirmala | Forest and their management | Elite +Silver |
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2024-2025
S.No | Sem/Year/Branch | Course Name | No.of Hours | Date | No.of Students |
1 | III sem / II year /Biotechnology | Clinical Diagnostic Techniques | 16 hours | 11.9.2024 To 23.09.2024 | 21 |
2 | V sem / III year /Biotechnology | 24 | |||
3 | VII sem / IV year /Biotechnology | 12 |
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2023-2024
S.No | Sem/Year/Branch | Course Name | No.of Hours | Date | No.of Students |
1 | III sem/ II year/ Biotechnology | Quality Control and HACCP guidelines in Food Processing Technology | 16 hours | 26.9.2023 to 6.10.2023 | 24 |
2 | V sem/ III year/ Biotechnology | 12 | |||
3 | VII sem /IV year/ Biotechnology | 16 |
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2022-2023
S.No | Sem/Year/Branch | Course Name | No.of Hours | Date | No.of Students |
1 | III sem / IV year / Biotechnology | Zero Waste Management | 16 hours | 22.3.2023 to 1.4.2023 | 24 |
2 | V sem/ VI year/ Biotechnology | 12 | |||
3 | VII sem /VIII year / Biotechnology | 16 |