About ISTE
The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is
a non-profit Society registered under the Societies
Registration Act, 1860. It was initially founded in 1941
as the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions
(APTI) and later transformed as ISTE in 1968 with a view to
enlarging its activities to advance the cause of Technical
Education. The key objective of the ISTE is to assist and contribute
to the education and development of top quality professional
engineering needed by industry and other Organizations. Being
the only National Body of educators in the field of Engineering
and Technology ISTE endeavors to effectively contribute to
various mission of the Government. It is well associated with the
Ministry of HRD, AICTE/DST/MIT/State Governments etc., for the
programmes related to Technical Education. ISTE is actively
involved in many activities conducted by All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and
National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. It organizes
an annual convention for faculty and students separately
every year where a large number of technocrats, technical
teachers, policy makers, experts from the industry etc.
participate and interact.

Convention Theme
- Role of Indian Higher Educational Institutions towards United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
Objectives of the Convention
- No Poverty
- Zero Hunger
- Good Health & Well Being
- Quality Education
- Gender Equality
- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Affordable and Clean Energy
- Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- Reduced Inequalities
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Responsible Consumption and Production
- Climate Action
- Life Below Water
- Life on Land
- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
- Partnerships for the Goals
Chief Patrons
- Dr. A.S. Ganesan, Hon’ble Chancellor, VMRF – DU
- Dr. Anuradha Ganesan,
Director, VMRF – DU - Dr. Pratapsinh Kakasaheb Desai, President, ISTE
- Mr. J. Suresh Samuel, Member,
Board of Management, VMRF – DU
- Dr. A. Sankara Subramanian, Chairman,
ISTE Tamil Nadu Section - Prof. K. Sourirajan,
Hon. Secretary cum Treasurer,
ISTE Tamil Nadu Section - Dr. G. Selvakumar, Principal, AVIT
Advisory Committee (ISTE)
- Dr. R. Baskar, Vice President
- Dr. K. Manivannan, Executive Committee Member
- Dr. B. Chidambara Rajan, Executive Committee Member
- Dr. K.A. Mohamed Junaid, Executive Committee Member
- Dr. P. Sakthivel, Executive Committee Member
Executive Committee (VMRFDU)
- Prof. P. Rajasekaran, Dy. Registrar (Admin.), VMRF-DU
- Dr. S.P. Sangeetha, VP (Academics), AVIT
- Dr. L. Prabhu, VP (Admin), AVIT
- Dr. M. Prabakaran, HoD, Mechanical
- Dr. L. Chitra, HoD, EEE
- Dr. R. Divahar, HoD, Civil
- Dr. L. Hema, HoD, ECE & BME
- Dr. J. Jagadeesan, HoD, CSE
- Dr. A. Nirmala, HoD, Biotech
- Dr. B. Prabasheela, HoD, PCE
- Dr. Jenifer G Joseph, HoD, H & S
- Dr. R. Devika, Professor, ISTE Coordinator
Co Convenor
- Dr. D.S. Vijayan, Professor, Civil
Organising Committee
- Mrs. M. Subathra, Biotech
- Mrs. R. Shobana, CSE
- Mr. S. Sathiyaraj, Mech
- Ms. A.P. Amrutha, BME
- Mr. V. Rattan Kumar, EEE
- Dr. C. Vaidevi, Civil
- Ms. R. Preethi, PCE
- Mr. J. Vijay, ECE
- Mr. Balaji, H & S
- Abstract Format
- Journal Publication
- Registration Fees
- Important Date(s)
- Brochure
- The abstract must include title, author affiliation with the email id and 4 - 5 keywords. The abstract should have font in Times New Roman with size of 12 and 1.5 Line spacing and restricted to 300 words.
- The proceedings of the conference will be publishedwith ISBN number.
- Full paper has to be prepared in IEEE format.
- Selected papers will be published in WoS or Scopus indexed journals at additional cost
- Includes convention kit, Refreshment, Lunch & Tour to Mahabalipuram
- ISTE Members-Rs. 1500/-
- Non-ISTE Members-Rs. 2000/-
- Optional package : Buffet Dinner on 25.3.2023 at The Chariot Beach Resort, Mahabalipuram for an additional payment of Rs. 1650/-
- Last date for Abstract Submission : 15.3.2023
- Last date for Full Paper Submission : 20.3.2023
- Last Date for Registration : 20.3.2023
Tour to Mahabalipuram

Hostel Accommodation
- First Come First Serve Basis
- Breakfast and dinner can be taken from college cafeteria on payment.
Contact Details
Registration Enquiry
Mrs. M. Subathra – 9791017795
Mr. S. Sathiyaraj – 9003085497
Accommodation Enquiry
Mr. V. Rattan Kumar – 9445451453
Mr. J. Vijay – 7548875171
Proceedings / Journal Enquiry
Dr. D.S. Vijayan – 9176477171
Dr. C. Vaidevi – 9003046936
Transport Enquiry
Mr. Samuel Michael – 9444313678
Mr. V. Rattan Kumar – 9445451453
Mr. J. Vijay – 7548875171