
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

About UBA

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is a flagship programme of the ministry of Human Resource Development, with the intention to enrich India. Under this scheme Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Paiyanoor has adapted five villages in Kanchipuram District, Namely Naduvakkarai, Kothimangalam, Arunkundram, Sirudavoor and Alathur. For developing these villages it is necessary to promote development of rural areas based on local resources and decentralized, ecofriendly technologies so that the village can fulfill it needs locally. In these villages separate teams were assigned to collect the data from every house in a village. The village level survey is collected from the Panchayat Secretary, Village Administrative Officer and Block Development officer of concerned villages.Students and faculty regularly visits adopted villages and identify the problem prevailing over there. They also try give solutions for the same. Proposals are being sent to the Ministry for funding on Technology interventions based on the problems identified in villages.



AICTE-ECI-ISTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards-2018

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, Engineering Council of India (ECI), and the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), are jointly holding a competition “AICTE-ECI-ISTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards-2018” for the students of AICTE approved Degree & Diploma level Technical institutions. Five project proposal were submitted by the students of Civil ,CSE,EEE,ECE and Mechanical. All five proposals were shortlisted for next level.

Gram Sabha Meeting

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan(UBA) Gram Sabha Meeting. Date: 15-Aug-2018, Venue: Siruthavur Village, Thiruporur Block, Kanchipuram Dt.

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Project Sanctioned

A project titled “GRAM VYAAPAAR APP – DIGITAL MARKETING IN RURAL AREA” has been sanctioned by Unnat Bharat Abhiyan under Technology Development projects scheme during December 2018. The Principal investigator of this project is Dr. L.K.Hema, Professor& Head-Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.The funding amount sanctioned for executing the project is Rs. 1 Lakh. The proposed digital marketing App will be implemented in Arunkundram Village, Kanchipuram District.

Unnat Bharath Perennial Assistance scheme- Awarded

Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology has been awarded Rs.1,75,000 under the Unnat Bharath Perennial Assistance scheme by IIT Delhi on the auspicious occasion of Independence day celebrations on 15th August 2020 for implementing the UBA welfare schemes effectively in the adopted Villages.

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan - Event Reports

S.noName of the Activity Organizing Unit Date No.of.Volunteers Participated No.of Teachers Participated No.of people benefited
1 Report on 75th Independence day CelebrationUBA 15.12.2022 - 2 100
S.No Date Activities Place
1. 16/9/2019Deployment of Digital Marketing AppArunkundram Village
2. 29/9/2019 To 30/9/2019Plastic waste free campaignAdopted Villages
3. 15/10/2019 Medical camp at AVIT campus Adopted village
4. 12/12/2019 To 20/12/2019Sponsoring Hand wash equipment to SchoolGovt. Schools at adopted villages
5. 19/2/2020 Solar street lamp and seed ball manufacturing equipment inaugural Arunkundram village
S.noDate ActivitiesPlace
127/6/2018 UBA inaugural Naduvakkarai Village
228/6/2018 Household Survey Naduvakkarai Village
35/7/2018 Household Survey Arunkundram Village
413/7/2018 Household Survey Kothimangalam Village
524/7/2018 Household Survey Alathur Village
631/7/2018 Household Survey Sirudhavoor Village
715/8/2018 Gram Sabha Naduvakkarai Village
815/8/2018 Gram Sabha Arunkundram Village
915/8/2018 Gram Sabha Kothimangalam Village
1015/8/2018 Gram Sabha Alathur Village
1115/8/2018 Gram Sabha Sirudhavoor Village
1218/09/2018 Antirabies and Vaccination awareness Programme Naduvakkarai & Arunkundram Village
1319/09/2018 Antirabies and Vaccination awareness Programme Kothimangalam Village
1420/9/2018 Antirabies and Vaccination awareness Programme Alathur & Sirudhavoor Village
1515/3/2019 School sponsorship programme with Lebara Foundation Govt. Schools at adopted villages