Undergraduate Programmes

An outcome based, Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is being followed. Courses are categorized under foundation, core, Electives (Programme /Industrydesigned/open/Innovation/Entrepreneurship, Improving presentations and Employability skills /Audit based on the requirements of the statutory authorities. Each Programme has a curriculum in accordance with OBE framework comprising of Theory, Theory cum Practical and Practical courses and syllabus designed as per Blooms’ Taxonomy Level.
Around 40 % of the total Credits to be earned can also be completed by transferring the credits earned through completion of courses offered in NPTEL-SWAYAM platforms.
More emphasis is given on activity based learning. Medium of Instruction for all the courses is in English.
Infrastructure & Facilities at AVIT

Awards & Achievements
IGNITE team for winning the 1st Runner-up position @ The National Electric Bike Design Challenge 2023
Final year students of EEE bagged the first place in the Project Expo “Solar based Mini Portable Thermopot”

AVIT has been awarded an overall rating of DIAMOND from QS I-GAUGE 2023
AVIT has been awarded an overall rating of DIAMOND from QS I-GAUGE 2023